Tudor Sterilised Bonemeal Fertiliser, 25kg


£35.69 £29.74
8 in stock

Multi-Buy Prices

Organic, slow release plant food - ideal for shrubs, trees & roses.  Bone Meal has very high phosphorus content plus a smaller amount of nitrogen.  This balance is ideal for encouraging strong root growth.

  • NPK: 3.5-18.5-0.
  • Apply every 4-6 weeks through the growing season from February until end of October.
  • For best results work the product into the soil.  During dry weather, water well before and after application.
  • Prior to sowing or planting: apply 140g/m²
  • Trees and Shrubs - apply 140g/m² around base of established plants or bottom of planting hole.
  • Flowers - apply 140g/m² to the soil surface and gently fork in.
  • Vegetables - apply 70g/m² to the soil surface as a top dressing and gently fork in.
  • 25kg bag.

If you would like to make up your order of 20 bags, or more, with mixed types of composts, fertilisers or mulching materials - please phone us on 02476 856 846 and we will be glad to assist.

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